Saturday, August 20, 2011

Denney and The Jets news!

So we had a very successful tour in April in which Diana Zadlo came along and made a little vlog

And since then we have recorded a 7" and gone out on tour to Texas, played some shows with Those Darlins, John Wesley Coleman and Philip Sambol and Friends. It was a load of fun and we can't wait to do it again! We recently add a new Jet to the family, our new drummer, my little brother, Evan Scala. He's kicking some serious ass and will be featured on our full-length which we are currently recording with Dillon Watson.

Also, we just got the album art for our 7" and we will have them ready for sale by the end of the month, although our release show won't be till the end of September with Nikki Lane and The Alabama Shakes @ The Basement.

party on wayne

Saturday, March 26, 2011

oh and this


new band...

...Promised Land
7" out Fall '11
with who you might ask?
...I've been wondering the same thing...haha

Richard Houston's Manifesto for...

"Let’s try something different.
I don’t have to tell you how or why this consumer culture requires a certain level of what I’ll call “submission of the self” to obtain credibility, social standing, or, more menacingly, the very basic means of sustenance. These things are obvious to all of us. You can’t take a walk these days without feeling somewhat uncomfortable in your own skin. Shop windows become ever more opaque; they assume a dual role of reflecting old insecurities while serving their intended purpose of creating new anxieties in all passersby. Well, I, for one, could give a shit about designer shoes, and I’m tired of the Invisible Hand in my pants jerking my generation from one Justin Bieber to the next. We need sustainability, we need authenticity, we need to take the modes of creation and have our nasty way with the 21st century.
In a world where prosperity is measured in social currency, it becomes ever easier to let some other asshole take the decision stick and fly your sorry excuse for an “individuality” into the twin towers of irrelevancy and self-taught helplessness. I think we’ve hit a Red Level of complacency, but still we’re more concerned with how many milliliters of shampoo we can have in our carry-on. For too long we have gotten by on a lackluster semblance of fulfillment that never allows for a true validation of the self. It is our separation from that esoteric cultural tribunal (read: free market) which arbitrarily shits out the next obligatory thing to buy—be it the latest iBullshit or the drivel they’re peddling in the “Self-help” section of your local Barnes & Noble these days—that propagates a mass homogenization made inevitable by all those wires and not-wires that connect us. Right?
I contest that it doesn’t have to be this way. Remember when the Internet was going to change everything? Who could have guessed how quickly we’d find a way to squander the potentiality of the greatest thing to happen to humanity since the motherfucking wheel? If Al Gore could have known the ratio of mindless celebrity gossip blogs and websites featuring “Lesbians who look like Conan O’Brien” to discussion forums that harbor meaningful conversations about, oh, I don’t know, real things, do you think he would have invented the damn thing? It’s high time we stuck our proverbial middle fingers in the air to all of that and make something real, don’t you think? We can use this beautiful bitch of a World Wide Web to demonstrate our power to be and to make in the public sphere whatever it is that keeps us up at night, longing to produce, and network with others who aim to do the same.
We’re offering this site to you as a conduit through which we can collaboratively put an end to the waste of such a brilliant idea as social media. There was a time when we expressed our feelings for one another beyond the mere clicking of a “Like” button. Our goal here is nothing short of a “neo-renaissance”; we wish to restore that lost dream of the Internet as a way of connecting and creating where we have spent the greater part of the naughties barricading and consuming.
Our weapon of choice? Art, of course. Specifically, the written word. “A Diadem” is our way of dethroning those antiquated culture gods and placing the pauper’s crown of poetry on the heads of all those who can dig. We want to create this monster from scraps: a little of you, a little of us, and a whole lot of fuck the haters. We don’t ask for much. Your involvement can range from writing and submitting a poem per month, per week, or per day, to standing on walls screaming to all your peers in naked adoration for the prickles produced by a profound phrase hidden in the verses of some new discovery from the bottom shelf of a dusty library. Our goal is to encourage a longing for not only for the written word, but more universally for the ability to make instead of buy, and the inclination to follow all those roads that don’t lead to Rome.
Enough talk. Let’s make something."

preach it king richard!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Denney and The Jets - Devil's Harvest (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Devil's Harvest
recorded in a bedroom in Nashville, TN
released in July 2010 on Infinity Cat Records (
Rhythm guitar and lead vox: Chris Denney
Lead guitar and back vox: Sean Cotton
Bass guitar and back vox: Joseph Scala
Drums and back vox: Paul Turek

7"s and tours and other stuff coming this year!